Personal Weather Stations are the perfect devices to give you an accurate, up-to-the-minute snapshot of weather that is going on right outside your window, in your backyard. You need not depend on local radio or TV stations that often report the weather from your local airport. Depending on the weather station that you choose, you'll have access to temperature, humidity, barometric pressure, rainfall rates and totals, all from your weather station's sensors. Most weather stations have indoor displays that allow you to view the data from your weather station.
Many weather stations today are compatible with home networks and smart phones, which allows you to view your data from your computer, tablet, or smartphone. Additionally, these stations can allow the weather hobbyist not not only view their own data, but share it with weather networks around the globe. Our station shares data with several weather networks, which allows users to see weather data at one local station, several neighborhood weather stations, or at a station in a location that may be of interest to you or one that you may be visiting soon.